Bring Back The 1 Year VIP Deal For $49.99
I went to renew my 1 year VIP like last year for $49.99 and that option is no longer available! Just the $10 per month or upgrade to Elite for $199. That's too much money for me to shell out for something like this. I can do the $49 but not the $199. Please bring back the 1 year VIP option!
Maybe VW is phasing out the VIP option. Who know?` I'm with you handsome man. Sure as heck not going to pay $199 US dollars for membership in a Game. I'm from Canada and it would cost me close to $300. I could use the money to buy some snazzy clothes or shoes.
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I would like to purchase the 49.99 VIP Membership otherwise, I will not be able to afford it. I really like to play here a lot. Please bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Bring Back The 1 Year VIP Deal For $49.99!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Bring Back The 1 Year VIP Deal For $49.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Bring Back The 1 Year VIP Deal For $49.99
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Bring Back The 1 Year VIP Deal For $49.99
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Hahaha Fred. I may be loaded, but cheap. I can buy you a trip around the block. would that work?
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If I can't renew the VIP for one year, I'm outa here.
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VW phased out the one year VIP. Just do the math. One year VIP @ 1 payment cost $49.99. VIP monthly payment @ $5.99 equal $78.88. Cha-Ching
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@ Fred765
Hahahahaha the buzz word is algorithm!
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