AdamC /old vegas world
you helped me before to revert my account back to default I have called and asked for you but keep getting told its not possible
VW lies.
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Please put the old version back. Or better yet, make the link available for ALL players to go back if they want to. l do not have that option & find it hard to go back. This new version is for the flippin birds. l do not like it and will delete my account if this is the way we have to play. l got upset the first time you changed it but used to it. But his version here, l will not give the opportunity to adjust. l will just play poker on another website. Give me an old version button or l promise you, you will lose a LOT of customers.
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That post from BAJA was way back in early January. Things have changed a LOT since then. I could be wrong, but I don't think the old version even exists anymore.
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The old version still exist alan. I play there everyday.
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I only play games and attend parties, etc. on the original/old site. From what I understand however, the option to switch back and forth is only available to people who became members thru the old site. If you became a member thru the new site there is no option to switch over which is a shame as honestly the old site, while yes there are glitches (ALWAYS have been) works so much better in MANY ways than the new site.
The unfortunate thing from what I understand in talking with many is that suggestions to FlowPlay on the new site fall upon deaf ears and nothing has changed to make it better. Not sure why as it is afterall the members who play on the site all the time the ones who help keep it going; seems their input should be listened to. I will be one of many that will remain on the old site until it goes away and at that time I am hoping the new site will have improved/changed the way it needs to.
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i want to go back to old vegas world been a member for 3 years
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While the site(s) has always had glitches it has gotten worse and is beyond frustration now. And rather than focus on and fix the original site which many still prefer (they could have cloned it to the side and do what needed to be done to have it work off another platform versus Flash, which we all know will be going away), Flow Play rolls out another site - and quite an undesirable one by the way - and now there are TWO sites with major issues. Go figure!
To have to refresh to get into a party has always baffled me but now the refreshing is out of control - sometimes I have to refresh several times to get into a party and many times by the time you can get back in the party is off the board or you end up in the room and the counter never comes up. And the refreshing is not just limited to trying to get into parties!
This constant having to refresh is beyond a glitch ....... THERE IS A SERIOUS ISSUE HERE which should be TOP of whatever priority list is being worked on - if there even is such a thing!!
While I may still use an "F" word to describe this site, it truly saddens me to say that word is no longer FUN (and yes, I have had some fun times here in past years with many great memories) but FRUSTRATION has taken it's place impacting the enjoyment Vegas World once provided as a game site. And truly a shame to see nothing being done about it other than the usual excuse for many issues here that it's a glitch.
Okay gonna see what's going on in the site now - time to refresh ;)
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I am not sure what is being said about an essential box to check or uncheck. That has nothing to do with having to refresh. Try going to a party and you will see what Florida Gurl is saying. This is happening all the time. Just read the party board. almost all the ones listed tell people to refresh. This is a a big issue with the site and I agree with Florida Gurl that the techies of the site need to look into why you have to refresh in order to get the site to load right
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You mean you hate playing in the NEW version, don't you??
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@Angel Kisses
Whew! Now THAT is a good looking woman! lol
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LOL. If you posted it...we're seeing it. What an eyeful! You busy tonight? haha
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Awwww...who's the party pooper? You disappeared!
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That's a crying shame. That was the best looking message on the page. Why would anyone take it down? It wasn't doing any harm. :(
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