How do you change what bingo card you are checking off if you have bought more than one?
If you purchase more than one card in bingo how can you switch to check the numbers off on your second or third card? I may be being blonde but no one else seems to have that problem but me. Can anyone help I'm sure there is a simple solution lol
Great question...I played bingo once...Found this and numerous other problems so have not played again...
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I had this same prob early on but after playing a day or two the additional cards purchased suddenly appeared. It will help save money buy limiting purchase to one $1k card per game. Hope it works for you too and you get to enjoy multi-card entertainment! :)
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All the cards appear together - just move the moose! The issue appears more when you buy 3 cards get charged for 3 cards but are only given 2 cards - thats the bummer!!
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I play Bingo all the time and every once in awhile after I Pick 4 cards and 5000 in bets then click buy it will not change screens.
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