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e amail error or invalid



  • Sledmore

    Try changing your email address using Live, Gmail, or any other popular provider. If you are already using one of those providers then you will have to create a new email.

  • Cat Eyes

    Why should I have to get another e mail.  This site supports aol.  i can't even collect the scratch board gifts people send me now.    I send the gift back, because they sent me a gift, but I don't even get my gift because I have tyo sign in and I can't.  Why i do I get this e mail and or password " error invalid" message.  This site sends me messages to my e mail, so they should know it is valid and not an error.  Why, do I have to alienated here just real life? This is not fair.  I hate this.  Other people don't have this problem. 

  • Rerepete

    I get the same type of problems....if I portal through Yahoo Games, I log in no problem.  If I try to log in directly to VW, I get the same email/password error.  I can jump from yahoo to main site through the user setting-sharing-take me to, but then I cannot get group invites or locate anyone/whipser chat until I re-login through Yahoo.

    I have also changed the password several times with no change in behaviour.

  • Lunascape

    I think they are going to crack down on this, so never fear! I have submitted this article to a few employees and should be looked over soon. 

  • Cat Eyes

    VW corrected this problem for me, the "invalid e mail problem ".  I log directly into VW now.  I also found when I was logging into  VW via of I was not able to get a full view of the whole page of VW and therefore, I could not use the chat and dance moves  features on the lower right page or screen  So I just log in directly to VW and I have no problems now.

  • mary8812

    I am getting a error 45 i need help . And the pay/pal i could not get it to work. It keeps saying I have a involved  email please help. help

  • Gone from here

    I am unable to sign in too and no response from my request for help. NO idea what to do .


  • Gone from here

    Still no response, and cannot sign in to Vegas world. Say email and or password incorrect. Put new one

    and same , Can't log on but recognized it for forums etc.. WISH GAMES . COME STAFF would help me

    and answer and fix this.


  • Rerepete

    In my case, my user name(email address) was changed so the game must not be able to handle special characters in it.


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