How do decline a proposal request?
On my profile page, it has proposal review waiting, open it up and the only button is accept. I don't want to except. How can i make it go away?
That's odd, it has no visible deny button? Ignore it for now... I will talk to an administrator about this and get back with you soon.
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OK, I got a reply from Digmania, and he says: "If you ignore it's as good as a deny, but I'm not sure how you get rid of the proposal itself". I think they will add a deny button soon, and hey if you meet another person to marry it will replace the request :-)
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Thank you Prisma, for looking in to this for me.
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Fixed. Now person receiving the proposal has the option to accept/reject the proposal, but the person who sent it doesn't know if it was rejected. Tested this out July 28.
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I have the same problem.
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when someone proposes and sends a ring what is the ring for and why r they so expensive r they a charm?
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