how do i get into the chat room? I was tolod to type my message and then click on orange place???? no orange place.
AnsweredPlease some one help me. I know this can be done because other people who are not members of the VIP are talking on it. I would like to be able to talk with friends but am unable to. This may seem like a minor problem but it is giving me a royal pain. I feel like I have even clicked on places that aren't even there. If there is some special combinaton please let me know. Flusterated "Bingo Granny 75"
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but chatting in Vegas World is pretty simple.
Right by your dance moves there is a message box, this is how you enter messages to other players. You can send messages to other players by whisper chat, and public chat. You must active your email address in order to whisper chat to other people.
If I did not address your question correctly, please reply back. I am having a hard time figuring out what problems you are having.
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after you type your message in that little chat box. using your keyboard. press "Enter". Message is sent.
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