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slot tournement rules



  • LadyHorton8

    This post is 7 years old and no one has answered it? I have been trying to play slots tournament even though I have no clue what I am doing. Adding rules and such to screen would make perfect sense... 

  • Samantha

    There are two types of Slot Tournaments.

    Top Dog pays out to the top 20% of the finishers. What each place receives depends on how many players are in the Tournament. Example: If there are 84 players, the top 20% would be the top 16 (rounded down from 16.8) getting a Coin award.

    High-Low pays out to the top 10% of finishers, and the bottom 10% of finishers. Example: If there are 84 players in a high low tournament, the top 8 win Coins, and the bottom 8 (ranked 76-84) also win.

    No Coins are awarded until the Tournament is complete, so you don't get the Coins right away. They're awarded automatically when the Tournament's time limit is over. There is a quick display in-game (that's easy to miss), and you get an Email with your results for each Tournament. By the time you read the Email with the results, the Coins have already been added to your total if you were a winner.

    Choose which Slot you'd like to play under the type of Tournament you'd like to participate in. You'll pay the Entry Fee, and you get a specific number of spins to see how many Coins you can earn.

    I've passed along your feedback to have some instructions implemented into the Tournaments.

  • LadyHorton8

    Wow, thank you very much, Samantha! This was a timely informative response. That would really make perfect sense to have just a little "?" in the top by my results that just gives a briefing just like you sent here. Thanks again. 


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