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Charm Party FAQ (updated 04/17/14)



  • Brook604

    So far, I have been at very few of these new charm parties where more than 15 or 16 people were able to get into the room.  Sometimes trying to group invite others into the main room does not work -- the people trying to get into the main room still go to overflow.   You wind up with a suite only partially full, with others wanting in but not being able to get in.   Lots of time wasted trying to get the room full. 

  • ne1

    I agree waiting for a room to fill to 25 is too time consuming. It makes no sense to have people in overflow when the main room isn't even full yet.

  • AdamC

    The problem is the room size limit, which was 15, except when people grouped others, which allowed up to 25.  The room capacity is being raised to a straight 25 people for Charm Parties as part of today's site update.  All other rooms, including non-Charm Party events, will still use the old 15 person maximum. 

  • ymi4269rs

    why can't just a few go to a room without gems... a gem free room but private to friends only


  • AdamC

    The players setting up the events can choose to make the party open, require charms, or not, depending on what they like.  The idea is to make the Vegas World Events be as flexible as possible. 


  • ne1

    Charm parties could become history if we don't get some new method to earn gems. VIROOL hasn't paid out anything all week and JunGroup only awards 3-6 per day. Other sponsors require credit cards or too much personal info (IMO not worth the risk).

  • AdamC

    We have contacted Virool and they have confirmed they finished updating the security for their videos on Tuesday. The update had caused the videos to fail for some players for the last few days. If you're still not getting Gems from Virool, it's for the usual reasons (repeat viewing, adblockers installed, closing the video before it's finished etc.) 

  • ne1

    Virool: "Sorry we have no videos for you right now", and yet they promise at least 25 gems EVERYDAY?

  • AdamC

    Virool video availability is based on where you live, what videos you've already seen, and Virool's inventory. If you've been using tricks in order to get paid for viewing videos multiple times, it's also possible Virool has banned you from their service. 

  • ne1

    IDK what "tricks" you are talking about but, if I've been banned, they haven't extended the courtesy of telling me so- I wish they would so that I won't waste anymore time trying to visit their site.

  • Chatsworth Jr

    Question.......if when you enter a 'cav' party and the pop-up states you can't enter the room without paying the fee (in my case 400 gems) and you SEE that they have been  TAKEN from your total gems.....then the host disappears....never to return........people begin to leave.....and there you are down 400 gems and no charms given....what do you do to get your gems reinstated?  Doesn't seem this a scam that I am not aware of?   Does this happen often?  How does one go about getting their gems back when the host does not 'pay out' with charms????? Very disappointed....  

  • AdamC

    If your Gem total went down, it was for some other reason. As the first question in the FAQ covers, no Gems are taken from anyone until the host pushes the big button.  

  • Najril



  • Dr D

    At a charms party how many players need to be in the room before the host gives out the charms?

  • Empress Honest

    Dr D: Up to 25 or whatever number of avatars are in the room the host chooses to award the charm at.

  • SkySecret

    had a caviare party  when i  pushed the button it gave me a ERROR 28 this was embarrassing  want to know what that means and can it be fixed soon please (currently on chrome)

  • CaityLuvsPersona

    Yah what's error 28?!?! i need to know bcuz its embarrassinnngg!!!

  • Empress Honest

    When the host is not on the main floor, then you will get error 28.  It has to say when the party starts, welcome to the main floor and then ask you if you want to participate in the charm party that you will be hosting.

  • Empress Honest

    Oh, one more thing about the ERROR 28,  If you are in the main room/floor,** STAY** in the room and not leave to try and get more guests.  You should group the ones you want to attend the party and your guest(s) should do the same if their invite is not a friend on your list and wants to attend. 

  • NickFuryAOS

    Was there a problem yesterday with the charm parties? I have gone to several of them before but every time I tried yesterday I ended up going back to the video screen. Then if I tried to enter again I went to the over flow room. The exact sequence was I entered the room and the message would pop up to click on how many charms I would need. I then clicked on yes or the charm. I only needed between 9 and 15 charms to the events and I have 100. I then entered the room. The counter for how many people was on the left so I knew I was in the main room for the charm party. Then after 30 seconds I got sent back to the enter screen that asks you if you want to watch the video to earn charms or skip it. When I tried to enter the party again I went to the overflow room. This happened three different times at three different parties.

  • Veriz4

    I was at a party today had the right amount of gems. I was booted out. Now I have no more gems



    Where can you find the extra dance moves? 

  • MareksGregs

    @christine1224, You get new dance moves as you level up!




    Yes, I know you get extra moves as you level up, but where do you find the extra moves??  Thanks


  • MareksGregs

    Open your chat log and you'll see a small sidebar with Dance Moves tab on it.



  • lucky blaze

    I have attended several charm parties and when the host passed out charms when room was full I received less than the amount  indicated by the room ?? Latest party for example was Genuine Risks party on 11/29/13 at approximately 11 am a two champagne party the room was full at 25 and I only received 40 charms and 2 of which I bought ??  this is only 1 of several examples I have encountered since last update !!  Why are the full compliment of charms not received ? 

  • MareksGregs

    lucky blaze, it's possible that 5 people declined to pay the entrance fee.

  • lucky blaze

    Please due tell how does 1 decline to pay and still attend party ?? As I have found  if u do not  have the gems Vegas World will not let you enter the room, and if I do have the gems I only see two options pay or no thanks ? So you are telling me after I pay to enter then I can decline to pay ??

  • Mi Amore

    I would like to know how to use the gift party passes????? thanks much  Mi Amore please send me a reponse tyvm 12/14/2013

  • MareksGregs

    @Mi Amore, If you have enough party passes for a party, just go to it and it will ask if you wish to use your party passes.


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