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  • russ51

    same problem here

  • nanny31

    Same here second day can't get gems?????

  • Lili x

    Just did a survey,at the end of it it gives an error so i'm not getting gems.

  • Auntjan55

    same problem here...


  • alan531

    Tell vw. SUBMIT A TICKET.

  • FloridaGurl

    Unfortunately it appears there are now only 3 Partners that you can earn GEMS thru and two of them are worthless as they do not offer many FREE offers; most you have to do surveys or purchase something which I will not do either of.  The only worthwhile one left is JunGroup and they are great WHEN there are videos to watch.

    While they may be working on negotiating new contracts with Partners, everyone who earns their GEMS needs to open a TIcket (click on the words 'Submit a Ticket' at top right of this page) and voice their frustration to FlowPlay. 

    The way things are going around here, the next thing we will find after an update down the road is that the remaining 3 Partners will be gone, the ability to earn free GEMS is then eliminated and I am sure  at that time many members who came here to play on a FREE game site will leave as well! 

  • Victoria17

    même problème pour moi avec les GEMS ! pourquoi ???

  • bandit221

    why , I can not buy gems with my credit card

  • Mz Roxi

    I submitted a ticket. Sorry people. Doesn't help. As usual VW doesn't get it and blames the problem on me and my computer and not cleaning my cache because my gem page just comes up black actually. Well duh - it's pretty much a normal thing for me to do. Why is it that the ONLY site we ALL seem to have problems with is this one? I use the same computer for them all. Just getting so tired of all the blame from VW and they don't seem to want to fix anything nor will they accept the fact that the majority of the problems are theirs to fix.
    Why they are working on a new version of this site is beyond me - spending money they don't need to. Fix this one. Or better yet - go back 2 years and put it back the way it was. It worked MUCH better then and we were a much happier commuinity as a whole. And I'm sure there were 3 times as many people on here..... Just saying

  • FloridaGurl

    I agree with what you have said and it doesn't surprise me Roxi that you got the response they give pretty much to ANY issue the Members experience; the issues are NEVER due to insufficient servers or server space, etc. on their end so it has gotta be your internet speed, your computer, blah blah blah!!

    If you have the time and want to contact FlowPlay directly - 877-356-9752 - you MAY get someone who is willing to actually help.

    Good luck!

  • Summer Bree

    I couldn't believe it. I use to open up free gems and see a TON of places offering. I did today and only 3 came up? I can't afford to buy them on here so would take surveys, watch vids etc.

    I'm really sad that they have taken this away. I hope they bring back all the sponsors again or at least get more.

    I'll Miss the Gems! D:

  • Joe222

    where is the gems icon?

  • alan531

    At the very top of your playing page.

  • KateM2

    You should go to the forum and look at the different threads regarding the 3rd party gem offers.  In short, when TrialPay (what everyone I know referred to as the "subway 2xGem special") went "bye-bye," I started a thread asking what happened to it.

    Lots of people responded and I got loads of emails and such regarding this issue.  As far as a response from VW...Digmania and some others who work for him at VW (and I paraphrase) that they were phasing out the TrialPay.  

    Later, what was said that there would be other gem offers directly thru VW (which was basically that you can now use the gift cards to purchase gems directly from VW).


    Then, at the last update...we were presented with the 3 choices of 3rd party vendors: JunGroup, TrialPay, and Superrewards.  That's it folks.  I guess that's what was meant when they said they were going to end their 3rd party fact what was said that it was "winding down."

    Bottom Line: VW wants you to buy gems from them because then they don't have to pay someone a fee for a 3rd party purchase.  Evidently the last three are the only ones who came to the table w/offers that VW was okay with in terms of what they would pay in fees.

    I'm not a happy camper about this issue, but it is what it is. At least the Superrewards runs their 25% off gems every weekend (and every once in a while--I've only run into it once in about 4 months...a 2xgem special) and the 2xGems on TrialPay still runs from time to time.  As for the videos...I gave that nonsense up so long ago I don't even know what they have available except that I "browsed" it and it looks very dry indeed.

    Don't know if that helped...but I hope it did. 

    I definately recommend the forum to keep up w/what ppl are saying about all of the issues related to VW.  

    Do they (Flowplay/VW) actually help? or do what we want? Probably not, but without the customer base going SOMEWHERE to voice their opinions I guess FLOWPLAY will never know or care what we think.

    Ha, ha...speaking of which...someone in this thread mentioned the "New VW?" (VW/fx version?)...too late.  It's on the forum...they've spent 2 years and a million or so to rewrite every line of code...straight from Digmania, I believe..don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure it was Dig who said that in one of his posts.

    What I DO know is...he did say (along w/others from VW land) is that the FX version is coming out sometime after the new year and we just have to deal with it or get out.  Of course, they're not that RUDE about it...but that's just my take on it since they aren't budging.  Kinda stinks when you consider how many ppl on here have spent so long a period of time and so much money to get to their levels, etc. and then you can't even navigate a page, chat, or the closets to name just a few????


    Well, I think I've said enough about this particular thread...starting to get into too many OTHER areas (a bad habit of mine! LOL).  Good luck in your endeavors...I know I look for a deal when I can get it...who the heck can afford to play on VW's regular prices?  Sheesh.

    Kate :) 

  • KateM2

    I did think of something I wanted to add!  LOL

    Of the three remaining 3rd party vendors (I guess that's the right word?)..., Superrewards not only offers gem specials but they also have a load of other options for earning gems.  Granted, a lot of them are like any other site where you have to buy something to get gems, but they also have surveys, videos, and "tasks" (not really sure what those are...but it might be worth checking out).

    Just sayin' ... might be a way for the players who want to earn gems w/out buying them ... might want to check out their offers.  I'm not into that anymore...there are only so many surveys you can fill out in my opinion...LOL

    Hope that helps! :) Kate

  • fancy dancer

    i used two ten dollars subway gift cards about an hour ago .i did not receive my gems please do som







  • Sweet Meat Papa


  • rattrap33

    hey what is right 25pc more or 15pc or do I get both



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