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  • Official comment

    We will continue to add new outfits as quickly as they can be created.


  • Christopher71

    I see people have the deep frost divition set suppose to come out on the november 20th for the update of new outfits but when did that outfit come out because I want that outfit

  • Mz Roxi

    why cant we have VIP outfits or outfits in general that don't cost gems. A person has to pay for VIP but you have to take that further now. Shame on you VW for making people pay gems for outfits.  Not only are they very high priced in coins so that only the "rich" in coin can afford them, but now you have to actually pay real money (from buying gems) for clothes!?!?!  Shame on you!

  • tanager

    why is the divine outfit only available to purchase on the new site and not the old!!!!!!!!

  • tanager

    i was referring to the deep frost divition one, sorry.

  • Sandyxc

    so it has happened at last , cant buy any $$ outfits at VP anymore , just the Gem ones . I knew that would happen after you started the gem outfits !!!!!!!

  • AdamC

    One outfit is not currently available on "old" Vegas World.  We recommend just switching to the standard version of the game and getting it there if you want.  It'll be added to all versions as part of the 12/4 update.


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