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profile space



  • Dodie C

    I would like to know the answer to your question also Mrs Loveyababy!  It has just enough room to write about 5 or 6 lines in it but yet it has a place where about 20 people or more can give you their hearts!  That don't make sense to me!  I'd rather have plenty of space to write my BIO than space to collect hearts in!!

  • just silver

    Hi  ms loveyababy and dodie was just watching that Steven Cobier on tv think his name Is  I really dislike him  think hes a Hillary supporter and a Trump basher   im a Trump supporter ok just wanted to say hi I but think you are both right about the space

  • just silver

    People at VW   please do something and ban the account of a player called yuznomore  I think it is this one girl on here harassing me THANKYOU

  • SassyLady861

    How can I change the info on my profile?  Can anyone  tell me.  Thanks


  • SassyLady861

    How can I change the info on my profile?  Can anyone  tell me.  Thanks

  • Jimmyj46

    What happened to my 80 million coins? They disappeared.

  • kosmo13

    I would like to know why I'm getting cheated out of many of my poker pots. With all in, these players find a way to skip over me and cut me out of the river card. They have figured out a way to time me out or freeze time. My avatar is in a frozen state during these intervals. I can't even enter a message during these periods. They also claim there is a straight  or full house and there is none.  What can I do to remedy this situation. Please answer. Thanks.

  • Pippin2

    I would like to know what happened to my 60 Million coins that disappeared when I sign off and came back on it was gone.  I was told this does not happen I must of used it on clothes or gems.  Just like a man who told me under the support section,

    Thank you


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