i had to pay 70 gems twice to a charms cigar party because vw has had bad comnnections.
Answeredthe details are I don't ever get my gem back this time I want them b ack. 140 gems pulled out twice. now this is a mess I cvant afford this please give me back mY gEMS. nOW. THEY ARE EXPENSIVE..
OMG! ithought it was just me i got charged twice for the same party but i only got charms for one whats up with thats if you going to charge me everytime im forced to fresh to go back to the same party at lease give me another 25 charms sice im being charged i want my tickets refunded
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You aren't charged for a party unless you are there at the time it completes. If you are there and are charged, then you receive the Charms for party completion. If you didn't receive Charms from the party, you were not charged.
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