card will not process
hi v w support....i am having same problem as a lot of people on here our world cards have worked before and now its telling me they are having a problem reaching the card processor.....i was given 2 numbers to give u all to get my gems.......first one is 2 979 929.........and my other is 2 995 400.......please see that i get my 600 gems........each card is worth 300 gems so i get 600.......PLEASE FIX IT I NEED MY GEMS DON'T HAVE MONEY TO JUST LOOSE IT......THANKS..
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vegas world will not except my debit card for buying gems and I have used it before for buying gems so please fix it
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I have always used Pay Pal to buy gems and now it says it cannot be processed. How am I supposed to purchase gems? Please advise.
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I have been able to purchase gems with my debit card for some time and now cannot. please fix
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I cannot use any cards to process gems.... What is going on?
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my world card is not working either!!!!! Tells me it is a Vegas World processor problem. HELP!!!!!
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Same problem card will not process for gems HELP soon.
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what is going on here ...are you guys legitimate....still have the same problem as others...1st i get transaction cant be processed ...then i get payment already completed for far i have 2 different order many times will my credit card be charged????? AND WHEN WILL I GET MY GEMS AND BUFF CUPID?????
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Same thing here. Have been using American Express for a year now and have perfect credit with them. Went to buy gems and VW says I not approved for the higher purchase??? Same amount I've purchased the last three or four times. They ask if I'd like to be approved and they will email me....Oh well, I spend way too much on this place anyway.
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ourworld card is not working what is up with that ? can you fix?
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how much are gems being charged
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Purchased gems did not receive them or the bonus coins
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when are you going to fix so we can use the ourworld gift cards? this realy sucks
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thank you now gift cards work
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tried using my credit cards to purchase gems also and was told that I have exceeded allowed activity. I have used my card many times without a problem. Seeing others here are having similar card rejection with VW giving various reasons. Seems as if there is a problem that they are not telling us about.
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My problems mirror yours exactly. I have perfect credit on card that I use all the time but get similar comments from VW.
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What's going on. Error processing paypal. It worked before.
sad - i want to buy charms at a party.
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today i tried again; same message and no response from Vegas World about this. Error processing. What is the problem?
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When I click on the contact us it takes me to search engine in chrome. Getting very irritated at the lack of customer service. Deciding whether or not to renew my VIP status. Tried a different browser - same thing.
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Double coin payout today does not help if you wont let us buy gems.
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why wont my gift card now?
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I have assigned a zip code to the card and there is a balance on it so can you please advise or fix the problem so i can purchase VIP and gems.
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I cannot purchase gems. I have used this card before. Could you fix it? Please.
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