70's outfits to match the 70's music
Bring back Bell Bottoms,Turtle Neck shirts,Men Platform Shoes,Super Fly Hats(Sky) Puff Sleeve shirts with the big collar. Even some dances like The Funky Four Corners, The Jump, The Slide. Women Outfits, Sizzler, Hoop Earrings, Gold neckless
A lot of people on Vegas World sure would like to see some of the 70's Fashions come back.
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where do u think u are ..for the price u pay...i would like instead of clothes to have my coins expand without puttimg money in
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70's I agree with Almad1 I hated platform shoes and bell bottoms trump that.
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I agree with you! Who gives a rats ass about the clothing. I just want to win at the slots.
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- mr. white
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I agree with marion I like the 70,s outfits
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cant get cloths on i want if i want white dress gives me green one dree took my hair cone on your making new vw this one is a mess think next one will be worse
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