Charm Payouts based in Lily Pond Solitaire
A lot of raw data, I will clean up and format later:
The initial value(s) in these lists represent the coin value of a charm per 1 gem cost(1st#s), based of the coins paid out(2nd#s in parenthesis), divided by cost of one charm(last # after /).
Formula: value=(coins paid out / one charm's gem cost)
The last number in some lists with a question mark? is an unverified coin payout amount from another post here: Charm Payout List 4 – Vegas World Support: (a really good source for listing charms and costs)
If cost of charm in gems is unknown, then I use 5000 coins = 1 gem to calculate gem value from the charms total payout in coins. So all these charms will always result in value=5000 (mainly listed at end).
Notes: 5000 or more coins per gem I consider a better value than others. The payouts are not consistent, but do have a range. VW is known to change payout values at their discretion.
Top party charms coins/gems: (these yield close to or over 5000 coins per gem... most of the time)
Boxed Wine=4643-4786-5151-5163-5217-5314-5335-5646-5886-5902-5934-6057-6082-6183-6214-6392-6434-6446-6543 (325008-335000-360547-361413-365182-371971-373450-395243-412000-413176-415382-424000-425736-432830-435000-447434-450358-451207-458000/70),
Cupcake Sparkler=4342-4873-5076-5136-5850(86841-97468-101522-102719-117000/20),
Gingerbread Man=4443-4612-4828-5170-5657(311000-322847-337961-361868-396000/70), Purple Unicorn=4273-4379-5937(4059000-4160358-5640133/950),
Scotch on the Rocks=4077-4368-4390-4484-4535-4728-4866-4900-4920-5014-5034-5200-5392-5631(407709-436829-438974-448428-453510-472759-486607-490000-491954-501389-503432-520045-539161-563100/100),
Holiday Wine=4896(<these show 17% flux)-4941-5170-5226-5280-5555-5676-5688-5720-5729(<these 9avg=5351)-5996-6096-6270-6380-6436?-6467-7481?(3427000-3458613-3619000-3658000-3696500-3889000-3973624-3982000-4004000-4010039-4197000-4267111-4389000-4466000-4505000-4527000-5237000?/700),
Laser Disco=4170-4327-4577-4710-5000-5213-5279-5548-5728-5855-5861-5900-5954(458654-476000-503423-518077-550000-573460-580716-610302-630074-644000-644744-649000-654927/110)
Elixir of Fortune=4605(5066000/1100),
hot dog=5920(35521/6),
Ghoul Gourd=5233(785000/150),
Pilgrim Turkey=4922-5213(4676000-4952185/950),
Fool’s Gold=5115(153462/30),
Iced Vodka=5008(70379-80138/16),
Jello Shot=5k(30k/6),
Chocolate Strawberry=4723-5k-5717(14169-15000-17150/3),
Kitty Basket=4843(2905539/600)
Top gift charms coins/gems:
Get Well Balloon=59000 (2360000/40),
Rabbit’s Foot=58000 (116000/2),
Happy Anniversary=57000 (11400000/200),
Piece of Cake=56500 (1695000/30)
Lesser party charms coins/gems:
Gingerbread House=4056(1419500/350), keg=3667-4113-4133-4483(110000-123391-124000-134500/30), bon bonnie=4162-4379-4487-4534-4915(624237-656809-673000-680124-737222/150), mushroom=3451-4293(2933000-3648714/850), steak=3733(55960-56000/15), martini=3389-3730(30500-33577/9), beer=3832-4512-4839(19162-22561-24195/5), star jar=(2.66-5.66m?/533-1132?), coin tree=(6150100/1200?), helicopter=4582-4717(458200-471750/100), roast turkey=4375(437500/100), pill=3616(325429/90), cigar=4693(352000/75), Deluxe Parfait=3950-4034(158000-161357/40), lobster=3688(88500/24), Pinata=4132(2066138/500), red queen=4626-5883(3238000-4118000?/700), yacht/5m?, golden jet=(/2000), Diamond Air=(6m?/1500), Box of chocolates=4417-5114(154616-179000/35), Unicorn Head= (/17), Shamrock Juice=4792(47917/10), champagne=4250?-4366(212500?-218282/50), caviar=4288?(857600?/200), beer keg=3638(109139/30)
Some charms, from Sea of Riches, Party Boxes, and all Gift charms pay 10 times the number of coins than normal charms, i.e., cost of charm at 50 is equal to a 500gem charm's payout, and therefore the avg 5000 coins per gem become closer to 50000 coins paid out per gem cost. Unfortunately, these are not available for parties which yield the 1 for 25 benefit.
These are some of the outstanding individual charm buys:
eel=42500-58000 (2125k-2900k / 50gems)
giant clam=58333 (1750kcoins / 30gems),
big hug=50k-100k (750k-1.5m? coins / 15gems),
High heels=40k-54k-66k (20.25-27-33m / 500g),
Wolf Moon(OG)=75-80k avg (43k-108k / 1g) - possibly the best charm on the site, but never upgrade it from 1gem cost. Note: was the first charm I was given by VW after creating an account.
Others w/10x yield, 100g=1000g charm in payout coins:
24=sax(52417), 16=anemone, 12=seahorse, 9=skull, seastar=8, 5=locket, 4=sea urchin
Gem values random charms: (just collecting all I can)
oysters 300g=1500k(1.5), Big Fortune cookie 600g=3024-3750k(1.5-1.88), LuxWatch 140g=700k, Decoder Ring 70g=350k, orange chip=600k(120gems), Snowfox 500g=20m, Gold Slotobot 61-69g=305k-368k, Luckier 7=1.66m-2.19m(332g?-438g), golden cowgirl=175k(35g), crystal star=240k(48g), parakeet=214k(43g), starfruit=1.2m(240g), teddy pair=2.6m(500g), auric pyramid=850?-920k(170-184g), Trap=2.202m(440g), Bee=4.545m(909g), purple chip=4.35m(870gems), Golden Showgirl=2.26m(453g), Angel/Devil Dice=3.4m(680g), snow globe=3.76m(752g), stereo speakers=4.55m(910g), Turntables=5m(1000g), fortunate cookie=460k(92g), red lantern=219.1k(44g), Chilly Pete***=1238k(248g), money sack=9.9m(1980g),
Formula: Gem cost est. = (coins paid out / 5000)
Draft, hopefully I will have time to edit this later.
Take Care and Good Luck,
Good break down!
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