MP Poker feature requests for 2025
Dear Santa,
Here are my feature requests for VW Poker in 2025. Some can be rolled out quickly but others will take a bit more programming to get right.
1) Higher stakes games. Most of VW's paying customers are multi-billionaires. So why cap out the maximum buy-in at 2M? I would love to see 20M and 200M games added. These are more exciting to play, require more skill to win, and bingo bobble heads will be eliminated more quickly. Please cater to your paying customers, not just noobies.
2) Sit-N-Go Tournaments. Yes, this one will require more programming. But there is an element to a tournament game that discourages people from making silly bets, knowing that once you've lost it all, you're out of the game, and you can't just buy back in.
3) Multi-game tournaments. This would require a lot of database changes, so I would expect this last. Zynga has this feature, though, and I'd love if VW would copy it. There is an enhanced level of excitement when everybody is competing for a huge prize, just like RL Poker Tournaments. In a 3-game tournament, the winner has to effectively beat 728 other people. Great way to show off your poker skills. Maybe give badges to people who manage to make it to the top 5 or top 3 at the final table.
Also think of it from a business perspective. With so many people buying in at once, VW cashes in like crazy. Perhaps you could make this a gem-only buy-in. I hope you see where I'm going with this.
4) Be creative! Think outside the box! Slick new graphics on the same old game are trivial.
Have a Happy New Year to everyone at Vegas World, staff and customers alike!
Thanks for your feedback. This type of feedback has been passed along to our teams.
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I'd also like to see Draw and Stud poker added. And while we're making a wish list, how about Craps tables too?
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