lost rewards coins in the amount of 100,000,000 coins for playing sea of riches 10,000 times
Answeredplayed sea of riches 10,000 times and was rewarded 100,000,000,000 coins but never showed up in mr total. This is alot of money spent on playing a game
Official comment
No Vegas World game ever fails to pay out correctly, so players can cast that notion from their minds. *SOME* games (not Sea of Riches) will fail to pay out if connection is lost, but as far as the game is concerned, that's just a player who quit and the correct action in that case is to not pay out. That's not the same as a payout going wrong.
Your account won 150,129,000 total coins playing six Sea of Riches spins on 1/29/18. Unless you are saying you won over 100,000,000 Coins twice, it looks like the Coins were awarded as normal. It's not unusual for players with billions of Coins to not notice when they win, as even the largest Vegas World payouts hardly make the needle move when an account already has a massively large Coin total.
Note: Even if the Sea of Riches display fails, and it seems to for a lot of players, everyone still always gets what they are supposed to. The game collects your Gems and adds all the items you are about to win (including those from free spins) to your account THEN sends the data to your display so you can see the game play and pay out. If something does go wrong, you're just missing the display, and not any of the prizes.
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