AnsweredATTENTION ALL POKER PLAYERS AT V.W. - I notice more and more throughout the MANY years of coming here to Vegas World that Less and Less poker players are coming to play poker.....and I've been coming here for 9 Years. Does'nt anyone like Poker anymore??? Such a shame.
Early in the AM hours, NO ONE is there to play and same thing in the evening....sometimes just a few players.
Official comment
It's likely adding an entirely new Poker Room a few months back has spread the poker players too thinly across all the different versions. Be sure to try the 9 seat game if nobody is playing 5 seat or vice-versa. Try the different speeds and wager levels as well. The reason we added the 5 seat game (other than it's just a good idea) is that poker play on Vegas World has been growing steadily since we updated the game a couple years ago, so reports that there are fewer players overall are untrue.
i noticed that TOO
1 -
i think alot of it may be with players that raise big pre flop. most players dont want to go all in blind
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