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Sea of Riches Fish Tank



  • KimChee

    Great suggestion! I’d love to view them there. Probably asking too much, though. They have much larger issues to address first.

  • Maxi18

    Game locks up while my winnings are being paid.  Everything freezes except log out.

    I have several Avatars and it will lock on all of them.  I just lost 55 free passes and some charms and coins.   It only paid me for the fist item I won and then locked up.  This has been  happening forever and a day or week or month.  I have not been paid at least enough to be way much higher up in the hotel and have lost a whole bun,ch of coins{Millions.} My log in name is Maxi11, but the number 11 changed when I set up the account.  I think it says I am Maxi 18 but have to use 11 to log in.

    This also happened twice yesterday but I don't remember which Avi I was playing.

    Please fix this.  I am losing the items I should be winning plus the coins I am spending to Play.

    My main Avatar is Chipper Kisses.

  • Kiku Kichi

    AdamC will tell you that the Sea of Riches game pays out even when the game freezes. Before you even spin, the game has determined your wins, therefore allowing the prizes to be placed in your account should the game freeze. You are just watching the animations. Same principal applies for slots.


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