AnsweredJust recently I have noticed that the Sea of Riches takes your gems and does the spin but when it comes time to deliver the goods it is another story. The wheel may give out one or two winnings (CHARMS, COINS OR PASSES ETC) then it does not move. I mean everything stops and I cannot even get out of the game until I leave the site. It is worse when there are a lot of players in the game. I also noticed this happens quite often when one wins FREE SPINS on the wheel and not when one pays with gems.
mary 770
Official comment
The display failing for some players some of the time is a known issue with Sea of Riches (and Roulette). You still get all of your prizes, so it's not a serious problem, but so many players assume they aren't getting all of their prizes that it still is a problem, really.
If you wrote down totals and it didn't show you collected some combination of Coins, Gems, Charms, Party Passes, and/or Fish from a Sea of Riches play, you're writing the totals down wrong (or more likely not checking all the possibilities.)
Here's how Sea of Riches (and slots, and roulette and most Vegas World games work):
- You select the game and place your wager (paying Gems and/or Free Spins for Sea of Riches)
- Your computer sends the wager to our servers.
- In a single step (so one never happens without the other) the Vegas World servers collect your wager and figure out everything the game is going to do for that play, including all free spins, and adds all prizes (Coins, Gems, Charms, Party Passes, and/or Fish) to the account.
- The Vegas World servers then send those results back to your computer for display.
- Your computer gets the results and starts showing the game play (Sea of Riches wheel spinning, Slot reels spinning, Roulette Wheel spinning, etc.) and after the animation is finished, all of your totals are then updated at the end so it looks like collecting prizes is the last thing that happens*, but actually by the time you saw the animation begin, everything was already in your account and NOTHING can undo that.
* Sea of Riches does have a minor bug, so minor it was decided it wasn't worth the trouble to fix. Unlike Coins, Gems, and Charms, which don't get updated until the end of the spin animation, Party Pass Credits are updated at the beginning of the spin. That means you can check your Party Pass total before you spin, Spin, and while the wheel is spinning check to see if your Party Passes went up. If the total does go up, when you return to the Sea of Riches display, you'll know ahead of time you'll be winning some Party Passes that spin.
If you have a lot of Free Spins (I let mine build up for months) I've found the fastest way to use them is to skip the animation entirely. Just start the spin, and the moment you start it, refresh your game (hit the F5 button on your keyboard). This will sign you out and back into Vegas World. You can navigate back to Sea of Riches to spin again faster than it would take to watch each spin play out. You can do this over and over and because all prizes are added before the spins animation starts, you'll still be getting all of your stuff. It's what *I* do.
2 days in a row, and a lot in the past. I was told you are awarded what you may have got with spins. I write my totals down before I close out. no difference when you get back in.
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