How hard can it be?
AnsweredIn my opinion one of the things that the "community" page desperately needs is a set of rules outlining what is and is not allowed. What will be removed? What will get you banned?
As an adult I realize there are consequences for my actions. But there is no way here to determine cause and effect. What remains posted and what is removed is inconsistent and members no longer posting...banned or just tired of running into what they consider a brick way to tell.
A few phrases that come to mind whenever I visit this page are 'Walking on eggshells", "Stepping on a land mine" and "Sucker punched".
Do everyone a favor....Post a policy.
Official comment
Posts to the Help Page should be asking for some sort of Help or reporting some sort of problem. I will continue to delete simple complaints (with no specific problem to point to) or reports full of totally made-up problems designed to rile up anyone who reads it. I will continue to ban players who post such things repeatedly.
I will continue to delete messages that are not asking for Help or providing useful information about the state of Vegas World.
I'll tell you one for sure DONT TALK ABOUT VW EMPLOYEE"S it well never get posted
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