math question
can anyone figure out how much you need to win each day to go from 30mil to 40mil in one month that would move you up a floor in a month i use muchrooms to play bingo everyday cause they pay more on the bingo games at least it seems they do anybody no any different
i suppose u mean billions rather than millions, either way, each shroom🍄(850gems) pays around 4mill x25 (regular party) =100mill x10 (extravaganza party=8500gems=US$100) = 1bill
NOTE: i havent used shrooms in a while but that's what they paid last time i did
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use your higher end charms on the 250k bets on mystic billions slots depending on how many higher end charms u have .ive won up to 650 million in an hour and 1/2 playing this
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study this demo video carefully
play 3 hands or five hands
bet with four 3-cloves 4-cloves or 5-clove charms
bet 50,000 each hand . not more not less .
take your time like it is a business.the value of charms are different and go up and down like the stock market
..... this is how i keep track of charm values and which ones to get for which gamecharms have value factors
to determine the value factor of each charm use this formula
number of charms x worth ÷ costfor example based on 25 Stretch Limo charms the last time i figured it
using a calculator
multiply 25 by 4,100,000 divided by 900 = a value factor of 113888
11 & 12 is good - 10 is fair - 09 and lower is not very goodto determine how much you have won
write down your coins before you make your first bet
then when you finish subtract your starting amount from your new totalit is best to play bet with the same 4 charms like Stretch Limos
like you do with the Mushrooms, until they are all used up
to determine the approximate value of each Stretch Limo
divide how much you have won by the number of Stretch Limos you usedyou could see exactly how much a 4-5 clove charm is worth by betting 5 million coins
but who wants to do thati dont think VW minds me posting something like this . most wont see it
and the few that do are probably too negative and too naive to try it lolbut if you use this method you should progress up nicely
depending on how many 3, 4 and 5 clove charms you can get at charm parties0
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