Games Freezing
Blackjack, Solitaire and MahJong are freezing about midway through a game. Have to quit and sign-in again; coins are not refunded.
keeps freezing and lost Gems on AD games and Quizzes
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losing coins and free plays because of freezing
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The good news is you definitely got what you were supposed to from Sea of Riches. The game collects your Gems and adds all the items you are about to win (including those from free spins) to your account then sends the data to your display, so you can see the game play and pay out. If something does go wrong, you're just missing the display, and not any of the prizes.
Typically, problems like this suggest a player's browser is running low on memory. Make sure you're not running any other apps or web tabs while you're playing Vegas World, and if you have particularly bad problems, try 'refreshing' before using a feature that's caused you problems by signing out of your account and signing back in. This will reset your browser memory, increasing the chances for a trouble free experience.
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The game keeps freezing on me and sending me hear for help
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