V I P Phony
AnsweredI was awarded VIP status for a month. I have no idea what good having VIP is because it gained me absolutely nothing. Supposed to win a bunch of coins at the end but nada, zilch, nothing. Never saw one VIP game. All this site is good for is to play very very carefully some solitaire games because they are your only chance to win much. The slots especially are fixed and if they are i can only imagine how bad the other games would be. The odds are hugely in the favor of the house, why you find it necessary to shorten the odds more I can't guess. Don't bother handing me the guff about betting too much it doesn't wash. Neither does telling us to buy charms to increase the odds in our favor, that is a load as well because they only kick in once in awhile. VIP is a con
Official comment
Your VIP has not been activated, which suggests you were given a VIP Pass that still needs to be activated. Here's how to activate a VIP or Elite Pass:
1. Go to the Outfits section of your profile.
2. Select the Items tab.
3. Select the Misc category.
You will find an entry for each pass you own. Click on the entry and then select "Use" to activate the pass and add the membership to your account.
All Vegas World VIP Memberships include the following benefits:
-VIP Icon next to the avatar's name. This icon may be changed to a 'custom' icon for 20 Gems.
-Ability to host "Megaparty" Events where all of Vegas World may be invited.
-VIP Card Coin bonus. Once per month, on the 1st, a Coin award is provided based on your wagers over the previous month to players who keep their membership active.
-A special VIP Charm is awarded on the 1st of each month.
-Additional Profile background color options.
-Access to the Vegas World Concierge Chat support service.
VIP Membership and Gems
-Players who purchase the one month pre-paid membership option get a single award of 300 Gems at the time the membership is purchased (No monthly Gems for this type of membership.)
-Players who purchase a monthly subscription get 200 Gems per month (awarded each month following a successful subscription renewal.)
-VIP membership Passes purchased with Gems do not come with Gems awards.
-VIP membership awarded through the Expanded Daily Rewards do not come with Gems.
As with real gambling, you should bet cautiously, unless you have tons of coins that you don't mind losing. VIP or Elite membership can benefit you (it has me), but if you bet big, you can lose big. Bet smaller, use your charms wisely, and you can (slowly) advance. Don't be in a rush to gain levels. When you see yourself in a losing streak, take a break. Your luck will eventually turn around.
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VIP memberships pay out at the 1st of the month the more you play the more you build up on your membership. It does work better if you have higher coins to bet bigger and build up the return.
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