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Slots ridiculously tight



  • Kiku Kichi

    Absolutely agree, Annabeth334! And after spending money today for 2-for-1 gems, I immediately go into a terrible losing streak. Can't even win Sundaes Solitaire. Loss after loss. I was folding 50% or better on 3-card poker. No big wins, no pairs, one straight. How is this fun? Even using Golden Jet charms, I still had a loss after playing for about 20 mins. Not fun. Taking a break for a while.

  • Kiku Kichi

    How can the odds for slots never change? When you replace several icons to put Maria in there during your "find Maria" promotion, doesn't your odds for hitting the jackpot change drastically? Of course you can change the odds in slots, the real casinos do it all the time and VW does it, too. I really don't have an issue with that, in fact, I expect it. Please don't tell us the odds haven't changed in certain slots when I can see it with my own eyes. See my comment at the top about Relics & Riches. When you win free spins but the plane doesn't drop the first "wild" icon, you know the slot has been manipulated. A while back, the Ozma slot had one crazy night where anyone who played it consistently got free spins. Like every 4th or 5th spin would trigger the free spins. I know, because I played it all night that night and advanced about 3 billion in coins. Someone obviously screwed it up while manipulating the odds and inadvertently gave billions of coins away that night. It was taken down the next day and was "fixed." And now it doesn't pay out anything. 

  • Samantha


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  • JAKE1536

    WOW!!! I have been on this site for almost a year. In the last 4 or 5 weeks this site has really tightened it tournament slots. It has become normal to go through 15 or 20 spins without winning one credit. I had about 35 free spins this morning, 25 of them coming from repeat extra spins in one free spin. I got about 5 million credits out of all that. There have been times before the last few weeks when I have gotten that many credits on just 5 or 10 free spins. I'm giving it a couple more weeks to see if they realize they need to make adjustments or lose players. I come to this site for entertainment not aggravation. If this were a real casino where I was spending real money, I would never come back for a second time.


  • Samantha


    The odds in Vegas World have not changed for any game, including the Tournaments. Since nothing has been adjusted, there are no plans to change the odds in any of the games. I'm sorry to hear there hasn't been great luck recently, but I do hope things improve for you very soon!

  • RubyB13

    Samantha, you are so wrong that the odds have not changed.  The Jackpots never got as large as they are now.  They used to pay out on a regular basis so everyone had a fair chance of winning.  When I see Jackpots as large as some of these it is obvious a lot has changed.


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