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Gifting VIP pass




  • Samantha

    If they already have a monthly VIP membership, they won't be able to use it. However, if they cancel their membership, they'll be able to use it then.

  • Joonie

    Thanks Samantha. I’ll wait then. 😊😊

  • Samantha

    You're very welcome!

  • bandit222

    how do l renew my vip status

  • Samantha


    You would just need to purchase the membership again. You can click Buy in the upper right corner of the screen, and click Buy Gems.

    From there, make sure you're on the Membership tab, and you can choose the VIP membership option you'd like to purchase. 

  • Mrs Gunner

    I would like to be a vip player again. I always bought my membership with gems. Now they tell me I can't buy my own and need to find someone else that want's a vip pass too and has 200 gems to spend. Then we buy one for each other with 200 coins. I don't know anyone on here that needs one and want's to exchange with me. I just can't afford to spend real cash on this kind of thing. Please get in touch with me if you want to exchange vip's with me.  Thanks a lot


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