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Party Room




  • grandmawaffy

    is there anyway to get rid of tickets?? I have hundreds and everytime i go to a party i have no idea what to do!!!!!  I just wander around and i don't want to do the parties anyway!!!!  

  • Samantha


    I'm sorry but there are no plans to add new Party rooms at this time.



    There isn't a way to get rid of Party Passes other than to attend Charm Parties. However, the main benefit for attending Charm Parties is to receive the 25 Charms. Once you've received those Charms, you're not required to stay for the Party Buster, and you can leave whenever you'd like. 

  • Mrs Reigna CW

    Wish we had the boardwalk option like OUR WORLD.  It was fun to be able to walk down the boardwalk and to go into the movie theater to watch videos.. even if thr were UTUBE.  Since Our World is or was connected to Vegas World.. I wondered why we didn't have that as well?  In fact they could do a number of things with the different options.


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