Suite Decoraties interior decoration
We should be able to buy stuff, with which we can
upgrade/alter out suite into out own personal taste...
- Furniture, lichting to set the mood.
- Home Theater stuff / FLAT Screens, Sound Systems, RGB Lichting etc.
- Wall decorations, paintings, statues, Art work, wall paper (color picker).
- Being able to move stuff around, change it's color (RGB Color picker)
- If it's there, we, the players will work (gamble) for it to earn it, or buy it
with gems, just like the clothing shizle now....
Thanks so much for your suggestions, however, there are no plans to add to the Suites at this time.
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Thank you for your reply.
Having no plans for it, is exactly the soul reason for me to request the things in
first post. If there were already plans for it, and it was publicly known , i would
not have requested it. Because requesting new implementations in a game, while
they are already on the development roadmap would be... .wierd ;)
I spoke to several other players about the ideas, and they like it/ PlaYers want
to personalize their gaming experience, and want to accomplish the feeling that they created
something. And even want to feel good that they have worked for it ( Grinding )to get a
feeling of being proud and content... And TBH most like to show their "sh1t" of .... ;)
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We shouldn't have to buy things for our suites but we should be able to alter them with items we already have from other suites. Flowplay is charging for more and more things. VIP outfits are now almost all gems, don't we spend enough gems trying to move up in suites and levels already without having to spend them on outfits. Accessories and outfits we should be able to use our coins to purchase items. To many people here can't afford to be using their gems on outfits and furniture.
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