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Latest activity by plotter
  • plotter commented,

    same with mine everything freezes up and you have to refresh it not once but a few times, when will this issue be fixed please. 

  • plotter created a post,

    Esports betting

    I placed two bets as did my friends on the exact same esports with the exact same wagers. One paid out the other didn't, so I lost over 500 million dollars and so did they. When I chatted with big ...

  • plotter created a post,

    Rocket party last night busted but I didn't get the 145 gems at the end my bar froze

    I was at the Rocket party last night I got the first charms from the party buster, got the 43 gems then the fortune cookie, and then the party bar froze. I did not get the 145 gems when we busted t...

  • plotter commented,

    New people don't have a choice, they are forced to use the new version, there is no go back to old button on theirs, which is why most played through atari, or gamesgames. No longer available there...

  • plotter created a post,

    why didn't i get my party charm

    went to a hedgehog party and paid to get in bought drinks and things stayed for a long time while it filled up to 25, my friend got hers I didn't get mine, Expensive party to attend and nothing,

  • plotter commented,

    i didn't receive the gems from the hedgehog party i attended. I paid my gems to attend bought drinks and other things and didn't get the party charms why?